Friday 22 March 2013

Summary of the past 5dayz smoke free

Day 1, 17/03/2013

This was a Sunday morning, i dropped off my Wife and daughter at the church and got into a private and serious meditation With  my God.
I told God that i didn't want to Die now that i have finally started approaching the upper middle class status in the Belgian society. i also pictured my daughter sitting next to my dying bed and crying her eyes out while her mother comforted her and lied to her that it was going to be OK as her father suddenly passes out right before her very eyes.
tear drops rolled down my eyes and i knew i was never going to taste a cigarette again for the rest of my life.

Day 2, 18/03/2013

I gathered in-formations regarding the health risk associated with smoking, i found out that in the USA alone, about 4 million people loose their life's every year as a result of smoking related illnesses, that averaged 1 dead person every 33 seconds in the USA alone. i knew the odds were low and it was a matter of time before it became my turn. i felt like i was a time bomb waiting to explode.
i had to stay strong to not smoke anymore and i made a slogan to help me stay strong.

Ive quit Gambling, ive quit excessive drinking, ive quit womanizing, i turned from an unemployed undergraduate into a graduate with a wife, daughter, good job, good home and a super car all in 1 year "THERE AINT NOTHING I CANT DO" .

Day 3, 19/03/2013

IT occurred to me that its been over 48 hours since i last smoked and that this might just be my successful attempt. i started having severe craving for a smoke. but for some reasons, i was actually enjoying craving as i felt that this was a fight between me and the devil, and with christian music all around me, at work, in the car, at home every where, i was very strong in the spirit and i was having fun kicking the devils butt. i went to the park sat there and read my bible. when i was about to leave, i saw that birds already defecated everywhere on my car so i decided to go to the car wash to wash both inside and outside of my car.

The guy at the Car wash found a stick of cigarette in my car while cleaning and gave it to me. and i remembered the verse of the bible when Jesus returned from the 40 days and 40 night fasting and was tempted by the devil so i used the bible teachings and headed straight to throw the cigarette into the bin.

Day 4, 20/03/2013

I am now certain that nicotine addiction got nothing on me, i feel en-powered and in perfect control of the situation. beginning to wonder why i was even smoking in the first place. at 9 pm  i am struck with another severe craving for a fag.  renewing my strength required me to continuously recite my slogan "THERE AINT NOTHING I CANT DO"
then again, i went into meditations with my God, all i felt towards mid meditation was the feeling of comfort, i felt as if God told me dont you worry Son, Nicotine aint got nothing on you. after my meditation, i created another Slogan to add to the already existing one

Day 5, 21/03/2013

I am now beginning to really believe that there aint no such thing as Nicotine addiction. i am in top spirit but then i have series of Nicotine cessation symptoms, i am becoming easily angry and restless and looking for trouble . i get the feeling that i could just smoke a stick of cigarette and it wont change anything.

But then i reach for my Bible and opened a random page and behold it read,

1 Corinthians Chapter 6

Acknowledging that i was not alone in this fight was all it took for me to normalize my paranoia.

Day 6, 22/03/2013
i get a message that someone out there may quit smoking also with my help, so i decided to create this blog in which i will keep on updating my journey to the end of smoking dayz.
ive decided to call it my journey to the end of smoking dayz. please return tomorrow for an update on how today went and how tomorrow is going.  

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